Discover your path to having it all!

Have a project that never seems to get off ground?

Need time for self-care, socializing and just to “be?”

Find it hard to make time for yourself?


Do you produce fabulous results for everyone else with no time left for your needs and wants?
Let's transform that now, and forever!

Feeling deeply committed but at a loss to fit everything in? Sign up for support to let your magnificence shine brighter!

How we can work together

Customized Private Coaching Transformational-Results 

Have It All
Mastermind Programs

Culture Development
Small to Mid-sized Businesses

Clients Include

Meet your Coach

Kathleen Peterson is a Human Performance Coach who works with exhausted professionals like you to transform your busy life into a calm, productive, balanced platform to create the life of your dreams.

She knows that it’s not about producing more results, but discovering time to do what you want to do, instead of always driving yourself to serve everyone except yourself.

Around Kathleen, clients simply produce great results with less effort. They have time for more fun and self-care. And more time, seems to materialize out of thin air. Consequently, they natually begin passion projects that had previously remained on the back burner.

Kathleen Peterson headshot - Equinox Associates

Get peace of mind about what you do and don’t accomplish!

Explore if we’re the perfect fit to transform time once and for all and finally bring your passion project(s) to life.

Recent blog post

The Wolf You Feed

The Wolf You Feed

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Complimentary information… Yes please!

Feeling like you never have enough time, even though you’ve tried every system ever written?

Do you get derailed right around the time you really start to make everything work well?

Is the flood of choices making it impossible to focus?

The world is waiting for your magnificence!

Feeling deeply committed but at a loss to fit everything in? Sign up for support to let your magnificence shine brighter!